PRESS: New York Times - 20 Wines Under $20: Postcards From Around the World

Eric Asimov writes a love letter to wine as a form of travel, especially when affordable for the average consumer. Beyond the MDC Red Table Wine, the piece highlights some of our other favorites like Haarmeyer (#hellachenin).

“The world is far more homogenized than it used to be. Television, the internet and easy international travel have all seen to that. But some things remain local, even under the pressures of globalization. Good wine is one of them.”

“You have to look hard to find California producers making delicious, moderately priced wines rather than cheap knockoffs of fancier bottles. Alex Pitts and Marty Winters of Maître de Chai are among those select few. Without the financial wherewitha…

“You have to look hard to find California producers making delicious, moderately priced wines rather than cheap knockoffs of fancier bottles. Alex Pitts and Marty Winters of Maître de Chai are among those select few. Without the financial wherewithal to work in the pricier precincts, they instead buy grapes from distinctive vineyards wherever they can find them.”

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It’s earthy, soulful and pure, great for burgers, ribs and other simple, meaty meals.


2021 Spring Release


PRESS: San Francisco Chronicle - 7 festive California sparkling wines to celebrate making it through 2020